showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdisplay
Portal Aperture Labratories2017 5.25disk alone apple2c apple2e basic blankprotagonist breakpad constrainedlocale defenseless download environmentalpuzzle fanservice-tech femaleantagonist femaleprotagonist halflife havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast jumping nofalldamage novintfalcon portals puzzleplatformer researchfacility robotmenace rogueai sentientmachines silentprotagonist sourcecode spatiallogic titlementioned turrets undefinedelements unknownpast walking textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize
Warrior of Ras: Volume I - Dunzhin Screenplay1982 anatomicdamage automap dwarves elves fogofwar gems healthregen mapgenerator monsters roguelike tactical thieves traps weefolk zombies text, raster, mixedlabelimagesubject
Warriors of Ras: Volume II - Kaiv  Screenplay (Intelligent Statements)1983 5.25disk anatomicdamage automap dwarves elves fogofwar gems healthregen mapgenerator monsters roguelike tactical thieves traps weefolk wordinput zombies text, raster, mixedlabelimagesubject